5 Practical Tips to Write Better Essays

If writing in English is a challenge for you, you’re not alone. the many reasons why English is a difficult language to learn and write such as Word order, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms. However, despite these challenges for English language learners, writing in English can be an exciting way to explore how words interact with each […]
Qualitative vs Quantitative

It’s important to understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative research, especially if you’re new to the field. There’s a common misconception that one is ‘better’ than the other, however qualitative and quantitative research serve vastly different purposes. Read on to learn about what makes them different, how you can turn one into the other, […]
How to pass IELTS Writing!

Passing the IELTS Writing Task can be tough! Here you’ll find some useful IELTS writing topics plus a consistent essay formula that will help structure your essay and paragraphs. The key to a good structure is using paragraphs effectively. Paragraphs give a clear structure to a piece of writing and they help the reader understand […]